The United Nations signed on 19th November 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the child. It is a treaty that contains 54 articles on the basic rights a minor should be given. Article 23 is about Special Disability care and it addresses the issue of how disabled children have the right to the necessary special care, education, and training to allow them to be given the same amount of opportunities as their able-bodied peers. As well as helping them reach the highest level self-reliance and social integration possible.
A disability is anything which affects your body or mind and limits you from performing your everyday tasks which the average person is able to do.
Nearly 240 million children are living with disabilities worldwide according to Unicef, almost 1 in 10 people. And any person child or not is likely to have had some sort of disability in their lifetime and is extremely common. Disabilities tend to occur within lower-income families who can't afford as much healthcare as a wealthier family meaning they are more likely to struggle. Disabilities can occur in many different ways, some occur at birth/embryotic stage, some occur through accidents and some occur as an aftermath of a serious illness. Although some are temporary many are semi-permanent/permanent and during these children's formative years they deserve to be given the same amount of respect and opportunities as any child to help them become a fulfilled members of their society.